“In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit”  (Judges 21:25). The author of the book of Judges looks back on the period of history prior to the monarchy when everyone did what was right in his own eyes. And he came to this conclusion: not only did the Israelites not have a physical king to rule over them, but they also had no “King.” They refused to bow to the authority of God. So, throughout the book of Judges, we see evil and corruption and immorality running rampant. It was a time not unlike the day we live in today.

This podcast series takes you on a journey back in time to a day and age that feels eerily familiar. You’ll meet three characters who show us the type of people God needs during times of moral relativism and rebellion against God’s absolutes.

My husband Dan David (also an ordained minister in The Wesleyan Church) and I shared this series of messages at our church several years ago. We’ve chosen to share these messages with you now because we believe God’s message is unchanging, regardless of how much culture has changed. And we believe He has called us as believers to step up and make a difference in society today.

#1 – Introduction: A Time When Israel Had No King

When Israel Had No King – Note-Taking Guide #1 – fillable

#2 – It Takes a People of Courage: Deborah

Issues Important to God – Note-Taking Guide #2 – fillable

#3 – It Takes a People of Conviction: Gideon

When Israel Had No King – Note-Taking Guide #3

#4 – It Takes a People of Commitment, Not Compromise: Samson

When Israel Had No King – Note-Taking Guide #4