Colossians 2:8 warns us: “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”

Even today, some 2,000 years after Paul penned those words, popular philosophies threaten to take us captive through their deception. These philosophies strip us of our power and freedom, causing us to live lives far short of the victory God intended. These philosophies include hedonism, materialism, relativism, antinomianism, secular humanism, and legalism. All of these have crept into Christianity at one time or another, and some have even been consciously welcomed into the church by its leaders. But because we have rarely taken the time to think through the effects of these philosophies, many of us have simply assumed they’ve always been part of the Christian experience. And so, we limit our experience of the richness of a relationship with Christ.

The solution is the renewal of our minds. Romans 12:2 exhorts us: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” God needs to change our thinking before we will experience His perfect will for us. We need Him to free us from the deceptive philosophies of this world that currently hold us – and the church – captive.

#1 – Hedonism & Materialism

Renewing Your Mind #1 – note-taking guide-fillable

#2 – Relativism

Renewing Your Mind #2 – note-taking guide-fillable

#3 – Antinomianism

Renewing Your Mind #3 – note-taking guide-fillable

#4 – Secular Humanism

Renewing Your Mind #4 – note-taking guide-fillable

#5 – Legalism

Renewing Your Mind #5 – note-taking guide-fillable


My husband Dan David (also an ordained minister in The Wesleyan Church) and I shared this series of messages at our church in Florida back in 2009, but we’re amazed how relevant they still are. We’ve chosen to share these messages with you now because we believe God’s message is unchanging, regardless of how much culture has changed over the centuries. The philosophies we discuss here are just as pervasive today as ever, and overcoming them is equally critical. And that can only happen by renewing our minds so we view these philosophies the same way God does.